Sleep Recommendations Update for Infants, Children, and Adolescents:


1.  American Academy of Pediatrics SmartBrief;  June 13, 2016:

“The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends daily sleep of 12 to 16 hours for 4 month-olds to 1 year-olds, 11 to 14 hours for 1 to 2 year-olds, 10 to 13 hours for 3 to 5 year olds, 9 to 12 hours  for 6 to 12 year-olds and 8 to 10 hours for 12 to 18 year-olds.  The guidelines in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, indicate lack of sleep may heighten the risk of injuries, depression, hypertension, and obesity among children and suicidal thoughts or self-harm among adolescents, while regular excess sleep may raise risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and mental health problems.”

2. The American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS);  November 2016:

Recommendations for infants up to 1 year of age:

  • Infants should be placed on their backs for sleep.
  • Infants should sleep on a firm surface.
  • Breast-feeding is recommended, as it is associated with reduced risk for SIDS.
  • Infants should sleep in the same room with parents – but not in the same bed – until at least 6 months of age.
  • Avoid bed sharing for infants less than 4 months of age, premature infants, and infants born small for gestational age.
  • Avoid bed sharing with current smokers, mothers who smoked during pregnancy, and anyone whose alertness is impaired.
  • Do not have soft objects or loose bedding in the sleep area.
  • Offer a pacifier at nap or bedtime.
  • Avoid overheating and head covering during sleep.
  • Avoid exposure to smoke, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy.
  • Do not use home cardiorespiratory monitors or other medical devices marketed to avoid SIDS.

If you have any questions concerning these recommendations, please discuss them with your child’s pediatrician.